132 Chaplin St
Chaplin, CT 06235
Time/Day: All Mondays except for federal holidays – 11am -12pm This class is now In-person and simultaneously live-streamed on zoom. Please contact me for zoom info at seaofsadhana@gmail.com
Location: Chaplin Senior Center, 132 Chaplin Street, Chaplin, CT 06235
For registration and cost information or to drop-in to a class please contact: Lisa at 860-455-1327
Gentle Yoga in Chaplin, CT- this class is open to anyone, any age, wishing for a truly gentle yoga experience that energizes, revitalizes and heals. In this class we do yoga postures in chairs, standing, and lying down on your back. If you need special accommodations, I’m happy to help you modify the practice and make it work in a healing and renewing way for you! Please call Jennifer at 860-617-4476
Beginners are most welcome! Please come and enjoy!